Wednesday, March 26, 2025


Sadia Jahan Prova in Sari -Bangladeshi TV Model and Actress latest picture

Bangladeshi Actress
Sadia Jahan Prova was born in Shariatpur District on 13th February, 1988. She completed her HSC in the year 2006 from Mohammadpur Preparatory College. Then, she took her admission to North South University for BBA.She also attained Shanto-Mariam University of Bangladesh to complete her study in Fashion Designing.Sadia Jahan Prova started her carrier as a model in the year 2005. She did modeling on numerous programs and acted on dramas and telefilms as well.
Prova Biography Filmography
Sadia Jahan Prova Bangladeshi TV Model and Actress latest picture

Her mentionable plays are Dhup Chaaya, Lucky Thirteen, and Khunsuti.Now a day, she appears less in the media. Her recently published scandal video with her boy friend created a bad impact on her carrier in the film industry. However, she is trying to find a better life with her husband and expected from Bangladeshi people to accept herself and her normal lifestyle in the society forgiving all her mistakes which she did in the past.
Bangladeshi ActressProva FilmographyProva Filmography

Bangladeshi Celebrities Prova BiographyBangladeshi Model

Bangladeshi Model

Sadia Jahan Prova in SariBangladeshi CelebritiesBangladeshi Celebrities

Sadia Jahan Prova in SariBangladeshi Actress

Prova Face Picture

Prova Face PictureSadia Jahan Prova in Bengali SariProva Face Picture

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